Sunday, December 27, 2020

Effective Literacy Website #2 Into the Book

Into the Book

            Into the Book ( is a free, reading comprehension resource for teachers and students. This is a project developed by PBS Wisconsin Education and aims to help literacy through focusing on eight components: using prior knowledge, making connections, questioning, visualizing, inferring, summarizing, evaluating, and synthesizing. This resource offers a student and teacher website that is free to use with and without an account. However, assignments and progress will only be saved on an account. This website also offers the content in English and Spanish. 

            The website organizes the eight components for teacher and student viewing. The content is delivered depending on what viewing mode you choose. For the teacher website, each category has a student and teacher definition of the word, online activities, lessons, books, videos, posters, and songs. All of the resources are connected to the literacy skill and easily accessible. The teacher website also aligns all the lessons with 3rd Grade Common Core Standards. Despite the website being geared towards 3rd grade curriculum, teachers are still able to get ideas and use the resources from the website. 

For the student website, the website becomes more user friendly with appealing and large graphics. The students will see the eight components organized. When students select one of the eight categories, they are able to select what story they will want to read. Each story focuses on the reading skill they are working on. The stories they choose play like a video game. They are able to pause and play the characters reading the story out loud. The online game has interactive parts where students can drag and drop text into text boxes. The games provide a fun and engaging way to practice the literacy skill.

Into the Book is a great literacy website that focuses on building important reading skills. Their library of free content for teachers and students are beneficial when learning these important literacy skills. Teachers will appreciate its organization and usefulness when utilizing these resources in the classroom. Students will appreciate the engaging format and interactive activities that will help them build their literacy skills.  

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